The Pessimal Sport

This one is really only in the earliest outlining and character sketch phase, but it's really fresh in my head so I had to start putting something down ... and make a cover for it ... apparently. It's based on a dream I had not long ago, where an anonymous, wealthy recluse builds the ultimate 18-hole golf course on his estate and invites 36 golf enthusiasts (nine foursomes) from various walks of life to an innaugural tournament with a grand prize of ten million dollars going to the winner. While they all seem randomly chosen, they slowly learn that do have one thing in common: they've all met their host before, and they've all wronged him in some way. Of course, they figure this out after players start disappearing into random, gruesome booby traps laid all over the course. I suppose it's sort of like Squid Game meets the US Open ... with jokes.

As an added bonus, I invite you to enjoy the playlist that sets the mood, helps me keep focus, and constantly runs in the background during the course of writing this novel.

Important Stuff You Probably Need to Know a Bit About Perhaps ...

You know, stuff you need to know, because you don't keep in touch with me as often as you should ...

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My somewhat impersonal blog featuring the latest in brain regurgitations. Basically it's a collection of semi-witty ruminations on comic books, music, gadgets, artificial intelligence, the technological singularity, cyberculture, and serial on-line dating.

I'm quite fond of my day job, but if you're in a position to offer me a radio DJ spot with a mid-six-figure salary someplace with palm trees and beaches, or you've got a sexy side project requiring my extensive knowledge of dead programming languages, I'm free for coffee.